Trello Guide
- List: A column in Trello; every card must belong to one and only one list
- Card: A work item in Trello; every list contains 0 or more cards
- Attachment: Files associated with a specific card; every card contains 0 or more attachments. [Graphical attachments will be visible on the card itself.]
Next Issue Template
- Contents: Cards for each repeating section in the Patter
- Actions: At “Begin the monthly issue process”: Copy the list to set up the next issue - the new list should be called “ " (e.g. "January 2020")
- Contents: Cards for each section in the current/upcoming Patter. Created at the “Begin the monthly issue process” step
- Actions: Once editing begins, move the card to “Editing In Progress” or “Proofs In Review” as appropriate
New Content
- Contents: Cards created by Trello when emails are sent to the Trello app. (Attachments in the email are attached to the new card.)
- Actions: Once editing begins, move the card to “Editing In Progress” or “Proofs In Review” as appropriate
Waiting for Content
- Contents: Once the issue list is created (i.e. “ "), above, move the card(s) that do not have content yet to this column
- Actions: When content is received, either move this card to the “Editing In Progress” column, or, if the content was received and forwarded to Trello via email (i.e. there is a card in the “New Content” list for this entry), archive this card. [Ensure that the relevant details on this card (e.g. owner, due date, label/section, etc.) are copied to the other card before archiving.]
Editing In Progress
- Contents: List of issue entries which have not been finalized by the editors
- Actions: When editing is done:
- If proofs are requested, attach the proof copy to the card and move it to “Proofs In Review”
- If proofs are not requested, attach the final copy to the card and move it to the “Done” column
Proofs In Review
- Contents: List of issue entries which are being proofed - i.e. not yet finalized
- Actions: When proof comments are returned to the editors, update the content, attach the final copy to the card and move it to the “Done” column. [Note: limit of one proof update per article.]
- If proof comments are not returned to the editors within 3 business days, move the card to the “Done” column and notify the author that updates will not be made.
Content Ready for Print
- Contents: List of final issue entries - ready for Copy Editor
- Actions: Cards are added to this list by the Content Manager when they have been fully reviewed and finalized by the Content Manager. The Release Manager will move the cards from this list to the Done list when the content has been incorporated into the Publisher file.
- Contents: List of final issue entries - Article has been entered in Publisher file and finalized.
- Actions: The Release Manager moves cards into this list when the articles have been incorporated into the Publisher file.
- All cards remain in this column until the issue is published. Once the issue is published (i.e. the PDF is available online), the Process Manager will archive the list.